Mission Statement
“Good Looks for Kids with Cancer” The McAvoy Foundation is committed to image wellness for low- to middle-income adolescents who are battling cancer. The foundation focuses on the emotional well-being of the child through services not provided by the hospitals and insurance: custom wigs and extensions; prescription glasses, dental work and orthodontics, skin wellness treatments for acne and the side effects of chemotherapy, plastic surgery; cosmetic makeovers; fashion consultation, and wardrobe.

Foundation History
The McAvoy Foundation grew out of Kellie McAvoy’s nine-year participation with One Step At A Time Cancer Camp. Each year Kellie supervised groups of teenagers and observed how normal teenage image anxiety was worsened by issues such as hair loss, skin problems, and other cancer-related complications. Kellie then
created the concept of “Good Looks for Kids with Cancer,” providing total image makeovers to boost the confidence and self-esteem of these brave campers.

Foundation Services
Funding for special events, activities, and supplies at The Children’s Memorial Hospital’s One Step At a Time Cancer Camp. Dental and Orthodontic Care for patients who are in financial need. Prescription Glasses for patients who are in financial need. Plastic Surgery for patients who are in financial need. Makeovers including hair treatments, hair extensions, custom wigs, cosmetics, fashion, and accessories. Skin Wellness administered by Dr. Guo, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at Life Rising Skin Treatments in Chicago.